How to Clean Instant Pot Coffee Maker: A Step-by-Step Guide

Instant Pot coffee makers have become a beloved addition to many households, providing convenience and delicious cups of coffee at the touch of a button. However, like any other coffee maker, proper cleaning is crucial to maintain the machine’s performance and ensure the best-tasting brews. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of cleaning your Instant Pot coffee maker, helping you keep it in pristine condition for years to come. By following these simple steps, you’ll not only enhance the flavor of your coffee but also prolong the lifespan of your beloved coffee maker. Let’s dive in and discover how to clean your Instant Pot coffee maker effectively.

Gather the Necessary Supplies

Before you begin cleaning your Instant Pot coffee maker, it’s essential to gather the necessary supplies. Here is a list of what you will require:

Clean Instant Pot Coffee Maker

Dish soap

Opt for a mild dish soap that is suitable for cleaning kitchen appliances. Avoid using abrasive cleaning or harsh chemicals that could harm the coffee maker.


You’ll need both warm water for general cleaning and cool water for rinsing.


White vinegar is an excellent natural cleaning agent that helps remove mineral deposits and descale the coffee maker.

Soft cloth or sponge

Choose a soft cloth or sponge that won’t scratch or damage the surfaces of your coffee maker.

Small brush

A small brush with soft bristles will be useful for cleaning hard-to-reach areas, such as the filter basket or crevices.


Keep a clean towel handy for drying the components after cleaning.


If you prefer a specialized coffee maker cleaner, you can include it in your supplies. Just make sure it is compatible with your Instant Pot coffee maker.

By having these supplies ready, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle the cleaning process and ensure a thorough and effective cleaning for your Instant Pot coffee maker.

Unplug and Disassemble

To begin the cleaning process, it’s important to ensure your safety by unplugging the Instant Pot coffee maker from the power source. Once that’s done, follow these steps to disassemble the machine:

Remove the carafe

Lift the carafe from the heating plate or base of the coffee maker. Set it aside for cleaning separately.

Take out the filter basket

Depending on your model, the filter basket may be removable. Carefully remove it from the coffee maker and set it aside.

Check for other removable components

Some Instant Pot coffee makers may have additional removable parts, such as a water reservoir or drip tray. If applicable, remove these components as well.

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Note: It’s essential to consult your coffee maker’s user manual for specific instructions on disassembling and removing parts. Different models may have slight variations in their disassembly process.

By unplugging the coffee maker and disassembling its components, you create a safe and accessible workspace for thorough cleaning. Now, you’re ready to move on to the next steps in the cleaning process.

Clean the External Surfaces

The external surfaces of your Instant Pot coffee maker are prone to dirt, stains, and coffee spills. To effectively clean them, adhere to the following steps:

Dampen a soft cloth or sponge

Moisten a soft cloth or sponge with warm water. Avoid using excessive water that could seep into the internal components.

Apply mild dish soap

Apply a small amount of mild dish soap to the damp cloth or sponge. Gently lather the soap on the cloth/sponge.

Wipe the external surfaces

Wipe the exterior of the coffee maker, including the housing, control panel, and any buttons or knobs. Pay attention to areas with visible stains or spills.

Rinse with a clean, damp cloth

Once you’ve cleaned the surfaces with the soapy cloth, rinse the cloth thoroughly and go over the coffee maker again to remove any soap residue.

Dry with a clean towel

After wiping down the surfaces, use a clean towel to dry the exterior thoroughly. Ensure that no moisture remains on the coffee maker.

Note: Avoid immersing the coffee maker in water or submerging any of its electrical components. Cleaning the external surfaces should be done with care to prevent damage.

Cleaning the external surfaces of your Instant Pot coffee maker not only improves its appearance but also promotes cleanliness and hygiene. With the external surfaces cleaned, it’s time to move on to cleaning the carafe and filter basket in the next steps.

Clean the Carafe and Filter Basket

The carafe and filter basket are key components of your Instant Pot coffee maker that come into direct contact with coffee grounds and residue. Here’s how to clean them effectively:


  • Empty the carafe of any leftover coffee.
  • Fill the carafe with warm water and a small amount of mild dish soap.
  • Use a soft brush or sponge to scrub the inside of the carafe, paying attention to any stains or residue.
  • Rinse the carafe thoroughly with cool water to remove all soap residue.
  • Dry the carafe with a clean towel before reassembling it.

Filter Basket

  • Remove the used coffee grounds from the filter basket and discard them.
  • Rinse the filter basket with warm water to remove any remaining coffee residue.
  • If there are stubborn stains or buildup, you can soak the filter basket in a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap for a few minutes.
  • Use a small brush to gently scrub the filter basket, ensuring all surfaces are clean.
  • Rinse the filter basket thoroughly with cool water to remove any soap residue.
  • Dry the filter basket completely before reassembling it.

Note: Some Instant Pot coffee makers have removable filter baskets that can be cleaned in the dishwasher. Refer to your coffee maker’s user manual for specific instructions on dishwasher compatibility.

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By cleaning the carafe and filter basket regularly, you remove any lingering flavors or residue, ensuring a fresh and delicious cup of coffee every time. With these components cleaned, it’s time to move on to descaling your Instant Pot coffee maker in the next step.

Descale the Coffee Maker

Over time, mineral deposits can accumulate inside your Instant Pot coffee maker, affecting its performance and the taste of your coffee. Descaling helps remove these deposits and restore the optimal functioning of the machine. Here’s how to descale your coffee maker:

Prepare a descaling solution

Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a container. The amount of solution you need will depend on the capacity of your coffee maker. Refer to your user manual for specific measurements.

Empty the water reservoir

Make sure the coffee maker is unplugged and the water reservoir is empty.

Fill the reservoir with the descaling solution

Pour the prepared descaling solution into the water reservoir of the coffee maker. Fill it up to the maximum capacity indicated in the reservoir.

Start a descaling cycle

Follow the instructions in your user manual to start a descaling cycle. This typically involves turning on the coffee maker and allowing it to run through the brewing process as it cycles the descaling solution through the internal components.

Discard the solution

Once the descaling cycle is complete, empty the contents of the carafe and the water reservoir. Rinse them thoroughly with cool water to remove any traces of the descaling solution.

Run a rinsing cycle

Fill the water reservoir with clean water and run a complete brewing cycle without coffee grounds. This helps flush out any remaining descaling solution from the system.

Repeat the rinsing process

If there is still a slight vinegar smell or taste, repeat the rinsing cycle with clean water until the smell disappears.

Note: Follow the descaling instructions provided by the manufacturer, as each model may have specific guidelines for the process.

Descaling your Instant Pot coffee maker at regular intervals will help maintain its performance and ensure that your coffee tastes fresh and delicious. With the coffee maker descaled, it’s time to move on to rinsing and reassembling the components in the next step.

Rinse and Reassemble

After cleaning the individual components of your Instant Pot coffee maker and descaling it, it’s crucial to rinse them thoroughly and reassemble the machine correctly. Follow these steps:

Rinse the components

  • Use cool water to thoroughly rinse the carafe, filter basket, and any other removable parts you have cleaned. Ensure all soap residue or descaling solution is completely removed.
  • Pay close attention to the nooks and crannies of the components, using a small brush if necessary.
  • Rinse the exterior of the coffee maker as well to remove any remaining cleaning agents.

Dry the components

  • Use a clean towel to dry all the components completely. Make sure there is no moisture left on the surfaces, as it could lead to mold or mildew growth.

Reassemble the coffee maker

  • Place the filter basket back into the designated slot or holder.
  • Insert the carafe back onto the heating plate or base of the coffee maker.
  • If there were any additional removable components, reattach them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Verify proper reassembly

  • Double-check that all components are securely in place and properly aligned.
  • Ensure there are no loose or misaligned parts that could lead to leaks or malfunction.
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By thoroughly rinsing and drying the components, you prevent the accumulation of water or cleaning agents that could affect the taste or performance of your coffee. Once the coffee maker is reassembled correctly, you’re ready to move on to the final step of running a cleaning cycle to ensure any remaining residue is flushed out.

Run a Cleaning Cycle

To ensure that any remaining residue or cleaning agents are completely flushed out from your Instant Pot coffee maker, it’s recommended to run a cleaning cycle. Here’s how to do it:

Prepare the coffee maker

  • Make sure that there is clean water in the water reservoir.
  • Ensure that the carafe is placed correctly on the heating plate or base of the coffee maker.

Start the cleaning cycle

  • Follow the instructions provided in your user manual to initiate the cleaning cycle. The process may vary depending on your coffee maker model.
  • Typically, it involves pressing a specific button or a combination of buttons to start the cleaning cycle.

Allow the cycle to complete

  • Let the coffee maker run through the entire cleaning cycle, which usually takes several minutes.
  • During this process, the coffee maker will circulate hot water through the internal components, flushing out any remaining residue.

Discard the water

  • Once the cleaning cycle is finished, discard the water from the carafe.
  • Be careful as the water might still be hot, so use caution when handling the carafe.

Rinse the carafe and components

  • Rinse the carafe and any removable components with clean water to remove any traces of the cleaning cycle.

Dry and reassemble

  • Use a clean towel to dry all the components thoroughly.
  • Reassemble the coffee maker by placing the carafe back onto the heating plate and ensuring any removable parts are properly attached.

By running a cleaning cycle, you ensure that your Instant Pot coffee maker is free from any residual cleaning agents or residue, resulting in a clean and optimal brewing environment. Now, you can enjoy a fresh and flavorful cup of coffee.

Also Read: Instant Pot Coffee Maker Troubleshooting-Step By Step Guide


Keeping your Instant Pot coffee maker clean is crucial for both the taste of your coffee and the longevity of your machine. Here’s a recap of the cleaning process. Regularly cleaning your Instant Pot coffee maker is essential for maintaining its performance and ensuring the best-tasting coffee.

By following these step-by-step instructions to gather the necessary supplies, unplug and disassemble, clean the external surfaces, clean the carafe and filter basket, descale the coffee maker, rinse and reassemble, and run a cleaning cycle, you’ll keep your coffee maker in top condition and enjoy delicious brews every time. Remember to consult your user manual for specific cleaning instructions tailored to your coffee maker model. Cheers to a clean and delightful coffee experience!

By following these steps, you’ll not only enjoy better-tasting coffee but also prolong the lifespan of your Instant Pot coffee maker. Remember to consult your user manual for specific instructions tailored to your coffee maker model.

With a clean and well-maintained coffee maker, you can wake up to the aroma of fresh coffee and indulge in a delightful cup every time. Happy brewing!

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